Front Man Game 2 (Intentional or Genuine?) and other season 2 questions/curiosities… 🤔

When they compete in round 2 of the games and it’s Front Man’s turn to play, he is really bad at the games. Do you think he purposely “threw” the games to be intentional bad and waste time, or do you think he was genuinely bad at spinning the spinning top? When he flung it backwards, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing. 🤣

Initially I thought it was intentional that he did purposely “throw” the games to waste time by being bad at spinning the spinning top and put all the pressure on Gi-hun trying to win the kicking game in the last few seconds. That meant if the group failed, they would blame Gi-hun for “killing” them. But then the front man helped Gi-hun by saving the final kick and the group succeeded in the game….

So that leads me to my next question, I’m still confused as to why the Front-Man still hasn’t killed Gi-hun yet or let him be killed by the games… 🤔

Finally, skipping ahead how come the workers recognise the front man when he usually has his mask on? I know that they can take it off (despite their no mask off rule) but why on earth would front man reveal his face to measly lowly workers below him if they’re in pink. Surely only someone a little higher ranking like the black square would know who he is and not the pink suits….? Plot hole??? Explanation please! 🙏