Movies based on mediumship and psychic ability

Lightshop (Korean ) - amazing kdrama which shows mediumship and afterlife .i really loved it and it really give lot of calmness.

The medium (Thai ) - amazing , it shows how medium do mediumship and everything is just perfect 😍

Khanzab- this movie is based on Muslim culture but the thing is she can see spirits and talk to them so it’s pretty similar to mediumship even if they don’t say it loud enough .

Cult 2013 (Japanese ) - psychic ability

Ghost lab (Thai ) - afterlife and spirits , how spirits try to interact with us.

3rd eye (Thai ) - psychic ability

Midnight club ( America ) - this does not show any psychic or mediumship but they try to find it and it’s a weird show but I really liked it and I think every medium should watch it once

New additions Sixth sense suggested by Financial_Shirt123

Talk to me - conversation with dead people and it’s more like oujha board . I would keep adding movies here ♥️♥️♥️😂😂if you have any suggestions which is closed to psychic or mediumship ,do let us know ♥️