Creating a transition book for a high needs kid
Hi everyone, I’m a special ed para that currently works 1:1 with a high needs 5th grader. Lately my kiddo has been extremely emotional because he knows that he’ll have to transition to middle school in a few short months. He’s been crying a lot and keeps chanting, “no new counselor no new para” over and over again.
I know the transition to middle school is terrifying so I was thinking of doing a project with my kiddo that will help with that transition. I bought a cute Pokémon notebook and want my kiddo to fill it out with things like his interests, what works/doesn’t work, etc., ask the people that support him to write a few notes then make copies so he can give it to his new support system next year.
What other things do you think my kiddo’s new school will find helpful to work with him next year?