The Wacky Molestation Adventure (S4E16)

I absolutely love this episode (and the Children of the Corn movies) and I think its underrated as hell. It has so many memorable jokes and a hilarious premise. I love the look of the town and the kids outfits, the fact that they're sacrificed at a John Elway statue, the lore, the backstory, and the eeriness of the whole thing. And Spaceman Craig always kills me. Its funny, crude, dark, and has that childish whimsy that South Park is known for.

Whats also so interesting to me about this episode and a few others in the latter half of season 4 (Do the Handicapped Go to Hell, Probably) is that this the first time in the series we start to see Cartman as the manipulative, authoritative figure he's always wanted to be. Prior to this, he usually portrayed as a spoiled, whining, bigoted kid who got easily taken advantage of, or just had straight up dumb methods of execution when it came to getting what he wanted (NAMBLA, Spontaneous Combustion, Cat Orgy, Trapper Keeper, Succubus, Red Badge, etc).

But this is when we finally start to see the Cartman that is capable of Crack Baby Basketball, Faith +1, Leader of the Gingers, etc. Cartman with ACTUAL authoritah.

With that being said, I wish we got more from this episode. I would have loved a video game taking place in Smiley Town, where maybe the goal is to not have your whole side sacrificed at carousel or something. I always wished this episode was at least a 2-parter, but they still managed to pack so much into just 20 mins. I seriously doubt they'll ever revisit it , but I can dream!