Martial law and elections

I have had this thought in the back of my head for several days, and I wonder if anyone else has thought anything similar. Trump has attacked the president of Ukraine for not having elections, calling him a dictator etc... I wonder if this is a long game to get his opponents on record defending Zelensky, and by extension, the concept of postponing elections during wartime or martial law so that when he attempts to stay in power using that technique he can call anyone who speaks out against it a hypocrite, or make his favorite claim, that he's being persecuted and treated differently than other politicians or previous presidents.

I feel this is in the same vein as his tactic of screaming election fraud in order to get Dems to keep repeating their talking point about how secure our elections are, thus undermining anyone who might call out his own cheating. This worries me, because we all played into his hand before, and now anyone who questions the 2024 election results, even considering the statistical anomalies and repeated public confessions of malfeasance from the Trump camp, are painted as conspiracy theorists and election deniers just like the January 6th terrorists.

I don't think Zelensky is a dictator, he is following the constitution of his country, which forbids elections during martial law, and even if holding an election in Ukraine right now was legal, it would be impossible for it to be free and fair given the fact that Russia controls parts of Ukrainian territory. One's instinct is to jump to Zelensky's defense, and not stand by while our own government joins in bullying a democratically elected government and gives a free pass to Russia for their aggression, but could doing that lead to unforeseen problems? Even though we have no clause in our constitution which calls for, or even allows, canceling or postponing an election, nor are we likely to be invaded by a foreign power, Fox News viewers are gullible and will totally buy the propaganda that will inevitably be fed to them when Trump decides to make himself president for life, and we may be giving them a major talking point which they can use in bad faith to justify keeping Trump in office.