Republicans terrified of crossing Trump due to physical threats, Democrat says

I'm going to include a portion of a post I made about a week ago, with a few revisions because it's becoming more and more clear that the fate of a nation is in the hands of people who will let their individual agendas and insecurities destroy it. It's time to realize the power and truth behind the statements, "strength in numbers", "of the people, by the people and for the people" and "power to the people". Congress, every nominee you confirm, every budget you pass, (the budget was approved, despite it's devastating impact to millions of Americans, still adds trillions to the deficit...really, I mean wth) every constitutional legislative power you surrender, only gives more credibility to and strengthens the power of your fears. Instead join forces and use the constitutional powers given to you as the legislative branch to stand strong and fearless.

You are elected to be the voice of the people and assume the responsibility of enacting laws that influence the daily lives of all Americans. You are letting personal agendas, lavish lunches, weekly massages and other job perks take precedent over your elected duty.

Claims of fear of retaliation, physical harm, and professional annihilation are surfacing as an "excuse" for your lack of action. Fear is not an excuse for inaction. You have the legal power to impeach. Use it! There are numerous blatant actions that not only warrant impeachment, but are also subject to criminal prosecution and punishment, which can't be initiated UNTIL you impeach and remove from office this self appointed "king". You don't have to rally, you don't have to stand outside holding signs for hours, you don't have to be dragged out of town hall meetings, or click the heels of your ruby red slippers together three times. You can simply use the constitutional powers literally given to you.

It's time to realize that if you continue to ignore these powers, they will be eliminated. You ARE government employees, and the focus of the current administration is very clearly to eliminate government employees who fit their definition of fraud, waste and abuse. This is your red flag warning that should you continue to let fear guide your decisions, you'll soon be receiving the late night, one sentence doge email either demanding you detail what you did to warrant your continued employment (which would be nothing) or simply your immediate termination of employment. The Constitutional powers granted to you, will be taken, because you did nothing to protect them. You did nothing when the president said very plainly that he IS the law, and signed an EO granting him that authority. The responsibility to stop this obvious attack on our nation's checks and balances is YOURS.

Stop hiding behind party affiliations and start doing your job! Freedom isn't partisan, it is the foundation of this country. You are turning your back on an entire nation and it's freedoms rather than carry out the functions of your job. You have let an unelected man who admits to regularly using illicit, illegal substances in the name of creativity and motivated solely by revenge and self preservation dismantle the entire federal workforce and eliminate any consumer protections along the way. Access to critical, sensitive, private and protected information has been given to individuals who do not have the experience to understand the privacy implications, the proper security clearance to access it or the ability to safeguard it.

Redirect your fear to the continued consequences your inaction will have on the Constitutional rights given to the American people and to the preservation of our freedom and democracy.

No matter what angle I look at it, whether through election fraud, Constitutional violations, or any other punishable offenses members of Congress have the power to take action.

I'm sorry if this isn't the proper forum. I know I can't be the only who is feeling frustrated. Using fear as an excuse when you literally hold the power to stop the threat doesn't sit right with me. Congress, stop and think about the fears of the American people, who elected you to uphold their Constitutional rights and freedoms, now realizing you are CONSCIOUSLY refusing to do that. You are NOT the voice of one man's rule, YOU ARE the voice of the American people. Please, speak up!

Reach out to your Senators, and State Representatives. Keep being a voice they can't silence. Stand behind them when they listen and don't stop talking until they do!

I'm going to include a portion of a post I made about a week ago, with a few revisions because it's becoming more and more clear that the fate of a nation is in the hands of people who will let their individual agendas and insecurities destroy it. It's time to realize the power and truth behind the statements, "strength in numbers", "of the people, by the people and for the people" and "power to the people". Congress, every nominee you confirm, every budget you pass, (the budget was approved, despite it's devastating impact to millions of Americans, still adds trillions to the deficit...really, I mean wth) every constitutional legislative power you surrender, only gives more credibility to and strengthens the power of your fears. Instead join forces and use the constitutional powers given to you as the legislative branch to stand strong and fearless.

You are elected to be the voice of the people and assume the responsibility of enacting laws that influence the daily lives of all Americans. You are letting personal agendas, lavish lunches, weekly massages and other job perks take precedent over your elected duty.

Claims of fear of retaliation, physical harm, and professional annihilation are surfacing as an "excuse" for your lack of action. Fear is not an excuse for inaction. You have the legal power to impeach. Use it! There are numerous blatant actions that not only warrant impeachment, but are also subject to criminal prosecution and punishment, which can't be initiated UNTIL you impeach and remove from office this self appointed "king". You don't have to rally, you don't have to stand outside holding signs for hours, you don't have to be dragged out of town hall meetings, or click the heels of your ruby red slippers together three times. You can simply use the constitutional powers literally given to you.

It's time to realize that if you continue to ignore these powers, they will be eliminated. You ARE government employees, and the focus of the current administration is very clearly to eliminate government employees who fit their definition of fraud, waste and abuse. This is your red flag warning that should you continue to let fear guide your decisions, you'll soon be receiving the late night, one sentence doge email either demanding you detail what you did to warrant your continued employment (which would be nothing) or simply your immediate termination of employment. The Constitutional powers granted to you, will be taken, because you did nothing to protect them. You did nothing when the president said very plainly that he IS the law, and signed an EO granting him that authority. The responsibility to stop this obvious attack on our nation's checks and balances is YOURS.

Stop hiding behind party affiliations and start doing your job! Freedom isn't partisan, it is the foundation of this country. You are turning your back on an entire nation and it's freedoms rather than carry out the functions of your job. You have let an unelected man who admits to regularly using illicit, illegal substances in the name of creativity and motivated solely by revenge and self preservation dismantle the entire federal workforce and eliminate any consumer protections along the way. Access to critical, sensitive, private and protected information has been given to individuals who do not have the experience to understand the privacy implications, the proper security clearance to access it or the ability to safeguard it.

Redirect your fear to the continued consequences your inaction will have on the Constitutional rights given to the American people and to the preservation of our freedom and democracy.

No matter what angle I look at it, whether through election fraud, Constitutional violations, or any other punishable offenses members of Congress have the power to take action.

I'm sorry if this isn't the proper forum. I know I can't be the only who is feeling frustrated. Using fear as an excuse when you literally hold the power to stop the threat doesn't sit right with me. Congress, stop and think about the fears of the American people, who elected you to uphold their Constitutional rights and freedoms, now realizing you are CONSCIOUSLY refusing to do that. You are NOT the voice of one man's rule, YOU ARE the voice of the American people. Please, speak up!

Reach out to your Senators, and State Representatives. Keep being a voice they can't silence. Stand behind them when they listen and don't stop talking until they do!