Could this be hard proof of election interference?

I've done a lot of Cambria County, PA posts lately. I'll list some links to the posts at the end, but Cambria County voters encountered a countywide issue on election day. None of the paper ballots could be scanned.

The reason given for the issues was that the paper ballots "were missing" the timing security blocks. These blocks correspond to the ovals on the ballots and that's how the scanner "reads" the ballot to determine what candidate the voter selected.

Voters were given a few options. They could put their completed ballots in a secure bin where it would be hand counted later, they could use the ExpressVote machines, which don't use a paper ballot, but instead voters make selections on a touchscreen computer where they are counted electronically (these machines remained operable throughout the election) or they could leave and return later.

The sample ballots for Cambria County appear to support the reason given as there are no timing marks on them.

BUT...I found an article which was published at 9:46 am on November 5, 2024.

The timing marks can easily be seen on these ballots. So I dug some more and found the original source of the photo. It was posted at 6:13 am on November 5, 2024. It also contains a description. It claims voters were told to give their ballots to workers who would take the ballots to another location where they could be scanned. This goes against every policy allowed.

I archived the link so that the cache of it remains even if the original post is removed. Here is the cache version. Here is the direct link.

This proves that the printed paper ballots were NOT missing the timing marks as indicated. So why was every scanner not able to scan ballots? Why were 65,000 ballots duplicated? Why have the Right to Know requests been denied? Why were these voters not told to put their ballots in the emergency bin, but instead to give them to workers?

For more details on the Cambria County election day issues: