What's the main reason you solo travel, and how does your introversion/extraversion affect this?
Some brief context: as I type this I'm admiring the 360° view from the rooftop of the Arenas de Barcelona, reflecting on how my plan to move to the UK last year has ended up becoming 9 months of solo travel across 21 countries and 4 continents. Beneath me, a lively cityscape, with space carved out for grand old architecture, bright modern sculptures and tree-lined parks, all framed by rolling green hills in the distance. A little bit of everything. Doesn't get much better. And yet, it feels like I'm one of the only people who's up here by themselves.
I'm a fairly introverted person, and while I've been staying in a lot of hostels and have met some really great people (and a couple of not-so-great ones!), I've mostly been keeping to myself on my travels. I've also noticed that this tendency comes and goes - after a couple of weeks without many long conversations, I'll be more open to seeking out company for a little while. But sometimes I regret that this means I've probably missed many opportunities to bond with like-minded travellers along the way.
So that's the frame of mind I ask this question in: what would you say are your main reasons for solo travel, and how do you think they're affected by how much of an introvert or extravert you are?
I expect that more introverted types will say they enjoy the freedom and flexibility of travelling solo, while extraverts would say that meeting new and interesting people is a major factor. And I'm sure the reasons for travelling at all - experiencing new cultures, landscapes, etc. - apply regardless of how outgoing or reserved you are. I'm also sure there are plenty of ambiverts out there who value all of these things equally! But I'm especially interested to hear which reasons/s are the most important or decisive for you, and how you think your personality plays a part. Maybe some people are even the exact opposite of my prediction, like introverts aiming to push themselves out of their comfort zone, or extraverts learning to be more comfortable with their own company!
Any and all thoughts welcome! Cheers and happy travels :)