Solo board gaming is ruining some multiplayer games (mostly euros)
I've been finding that I'm not enjoying multiplayer games as much as I used to, especially complex euro games (like Voidfall). The wait between turns is too long (I have some AP-prone friends) and the interaction isn't strong enough to make multiplayer worthwhile compared to a solo mode. I usually play pretty quickly because I usually know what I'm going to do when my turns come, but I feel a bit like I'm wasting my time sitting there when it takes 5 minutes to get back to me ... It's not as much of an issue with two or three players (depending on the game) because the rounds are generally quicker, but in solo it's always my turn once I understand how the automa works, plus I can play whatever I want and take as long as I want.
Don't get me wrong, I'd never want to play Inis or Blood Rage solo, I love those in multiplayer, I'm only talking about games where the only interaction is about being the first to complete an objective, to get card or to use a worker placement space.
Of course, it's fun to see friends and play some games, but there's not much room for socialising when the game gets a bit more complex. Lighter games are still a lot of fun because we can talk while playing.
Are there others out there who feel the same or I'm just anti-social?
EDIT: This also applies to long campaign games. Being able to play/pause whenever I want is hard to beat for me. Keeping everyone motivated and finding days to meet is often an issue as well.