HIPPA violation nervousness.

I just accidentally made a HUGE HIPPA violation the other day, or rather my husband did. I am nervous that I will get fired for it. The other day my son was home sick. My husband has to leave at around 2:30 to go to work. Normally when this happens, so I don't have to call out for the entire day, I wrap up my visits by 2:30 and just work the rest of the day from home. To save on time and to prevent my husband from potentially being late for work; I suggested for him to drop off my son at this local coffee shop where I was meeting with my last client for the day and her mother. I DID NOT THINK TO TELL HIM TO WAIT UNTIL I WAS DONE WITH THE MEETING, because I figured that was obvious. So husband walks up to the coffee shop at 2:20, and drops off my 6 year old right in front of my clients and just says bye and leaves. The clients didn't seem particularly put off by it, but I was so embarrassed and just quickly explained the situation with my family before wrapping up. Afterwards, I called my husband and gave him absolute hell. I felt bad because he honestly didn't know, (He doesn't work in the field or know much about confidentiality legalities.) I'm just nervous because I know that this is a clear and serious breach of confidentiyand and a HIPPA violation at it's finest. If the C's report this to anyone I work with, I know this can result in immediate termination. I'm just super nervous. I wished I would have handled the situation differently, explained to my husband more clearly. I wished I would have asked him to wait in the car until I was done, but in the moment I was just so stunned, I didn't know what to do. I feel like an idiot, and I hate that this happened. Just curious if something like this has ever happened to anyone else and what came of it.