Do people stop liking you cause of a minor mistake you’ve done?


Over the last couple of days, I have texted that girl. We have met in school and we take the same bus and sit together and talk a lot. We have similar interests. Yet only recently have I really started to text her frequently and it quickly started that she texted me as well. The main topic is cute or funny videos of animals on TikTok. Then sometimes we talk about other things but mostly our pets or pets in general.

Anyway, this has been going on really well since Tuesday. Yesterday, we didn’t write as much because, I believe, a friend of her was over so she was busy. But today, I started texting again but I feel like it has been too much. Also, I’ve gotten a tell (on tellonym) while texting with her that said “is it normal to expect the person you like to text with you every day?” Which could be from her. So for me, it seemed like I’ve overdone it and texted her too much.

Is it a bad thing that will make her like me less or am I overthinking and people generally don’t take those things too seriously?

I’m now waiting till Monday where we see each other for school and maybe don’t start till she does again.

Thanks in advance for any help!