Confidence is not all you need

There seems to be too many people just saying that “all you need is confidence”. Every question here, the top answer is confidence or something related.

Look, I can easily disprove this point. Think about the most annoying people you know in the world. Could be people from school to work, to celebrities and politicians. The absolute cringiest and annoying ones that piss people off are the confident ones. I won’t say names, but you can tell from their smug, know-it-all looks and demeaning personalities.

Yes, the coolest ones are also confident, but that just proves my point that confidence isn’t everything. Being confident for the sake of being confident is probably going to be detrimental, because that can make you arrogant and cocky.

In my personal opinion, if I had to rank which traits are most important for social skills, confidence would be top 5, but not the most important one. I would put things like reliable and trustworthy above confidence easily.