Was this person a good friend?
This might be a long story, but it's important to give as much details as possible. So, I'm a grad student (male in my mid-twenties) about to end my final semester in college. There is one class(computer network programming) with a professor who is hard to hear and often hard to understand. Anyway, these two guys originally sitting in the front sat in the back. I recall one of those guys typing on his computer that this guy stinks(referring to the professor). One day, they both sat next to me. They both seemed laid-back and not willing too much to give any effort to listen in class. So, the guy sitting on my left(I'll probably refer to him as guy A for simplicity) at some point directs his computer asking me if I wanna join a discord group for this class. We communicate by typing and we introduced ourselves to each other, and say nice to meet you. Then, we talked sometimes on Discord. He once even gave me a chocolate as part of his tradition for birthdays in his culture(he's born in America, however). There were these labs for this class, and only for the second lab, he wanted to helped me entirely with the second lab. I refused his help, and did what I could for the second lab completely on my own as my own work. After that, I recall sometimes asking him questions about how the labs are going and he said nothing in regards to that. I just asked as a topic of conversation, not for any help. Also, I did talk about other things, of course.
Because I'm very socially awkward, I didn't greet him right away when I can see him in my peripheral vision approaching his seat. One time he sat next to me, either I greeted him or he greeted me. One time he greeted me in person outside of class; I was waiting outside the classroom because there was another class before mine and I waited for that class to leave. He asked me how I was and if I needed the attendance code for that class, which I refused. Then we fist bumped. Another time, he greeted me in person while sitting two seats to my right in another class. One time, in another class he was gonna sit next to me and he asked me that since he was getting sick, if I wanted him to sit not directly next to him, and I said: Just in case, yes. Anyway, he asked me for the attendance code twice while he was not in the computer networking class, but I didn't want to give it to him honestly because it wasn't right for him to take credit for attendance while I have to sit there; I pretended that I didn't notice his message on time, but I didn't have the heart to say that I didn't feel right doing that. Anyway, the last time he sat in class next to me, he was working on a lab. I could barely tell from my peripheral vision. As a topic of conversation, I ask him if he started the labs or how are the labs going? He did not reply to those specific questions. Keep in mind we were talking about other things as well. Someday, on Discord I tell him if he doesn't want to talk about something, please let me know because I found it strange that he didn't reply to specific questions. I pessimistically thought that he thought I was gonna ask him for help with the labs, although that wasn't true. I never asked him for help on the labs, and I just wanted to have some topic of conversation. The reason I point out his lack of response is because as a friend, I expected him to at least tell me that he doesn't want to talk about that, and I think ignoring the questions felt rude. I was not forcing him to reply to those questions, and afterwards, I never asked questions about the labs again.
Then for two weeks, he stops going to that computer networking class and the other two classes I see him in too, because twice a week, we have the same three classes. I see recently that he sits elsewhere in the class. Note that the guy sitting to his left did not sit there anymore, so I assume that's part of the reason why he didn't sit next to me. Unfortunately, I took it too personally, and I felt betrayed. Then two days ago, on Discord I ask him how are things going, and he said: Their going good. Making the most of things. I reply with nice, but what I didn't like is the lack of reciprocity or initiating conversations on Discord. I think that I don't want to continue talking with him if he doesn't reciprocate. Please again keep in mind that I didn't ask him questions about the labs only. I talked about other things in addition to that, and I stopped talking about the labs seeing his lack of response. Based on everything I said, what do you think? Should I continue being friends with him? Is he a good friend or even a friend? Keep in mind that my social skills are not really good due to the lack of good long-lasting friendships my entire life.