Why does the western world support Israel?
I understand why only the US would support Israel, but I have no idea why no country in the western world seems to even be in disagreement with Israel and their war crimes.
I have seen so many celebrities and public figures openly support Israel in the worst ways possible (for example Justin Bieber's IG story with an "Israeli warzone" but it was actually a Palestinian warzone) and I just have no fucking clue why they do that, does Israel instantly vaporizes you if you don't support them?
It just seems so fucking hypocritical that these people who put BLM LGBT rights in their bio turn around to just support genocide, but I could think of some reasons why
- They are optics based liberals who think being against Israel=Being antisemitic.
- They have Israeli heritage
- They're islamophobic
- They're just fucking evil
I cannot believe how even left leaning politicians in other countries just refuse to talk about Israel's war crimes, like is it that fucking hard to be against genocide?
I think it would be like if in the 40s people would be like "you know, those Nazis kinda have a right to defend themselves you know?" or "Whoa those Jews are indeed kind of uncivilized and barbaric".
Has it become "politically correct" to be genocide apologists? I'm losing my fucking mind.