What happened to OG pipe gloves?
They are all I've ever worn, comfortable and you keep your dexterity. I used to rock Grenade gloves back in the day and then they completely disappeared, but there was always a wide selection available.
The last pair I replaced where some very meh Burtons that where the only option and finally found Armada Throttles after searching every damn shop (Skiier sacrilegious I know.... but they where fantastic) then I lost one. They only sell an ugly colour now.
I can't seem to find anything nice. There's like 3-4 styles/colours/types on the market as far as I've seen, so no real selection.
I also noticed in this year's xgames no one was wearing pipe gloves. All super thick big ol mitts or gloves. Are there quality brands I'm missing? (Oakley, Burton, Volcom, Dakine all seem or look disappointing)