
Can I just say I’m so very proud and happy to see Alisha being so active on social media and proactive IRl with this fire situation. Alisha is honestly such a good person and I really admire how she is not afraid to speak on the social aspects when it comes to situations like this. Seeing her and TK raised 20k and they probably both also donated their money aswell is awesome and they are helping so many people just by spreading awareness. This is lowkey restoring my faith in that There are still some genuinely good influencers still out there that actually care about their community and not just themselves and money. I’m hoping one day remi will find the courage to do the same. Obviously not now with everything going on in private but just saying I’d have so much more respect for remi if she’d simply just not be so scared to use her platform to speak on social issues that matter. Especially since so many of her followers are women of color.