Selena has no right to continually shade Justin for years for moving on so fast when he proposed to her in 2018 and she gave him a non-answer, then hooked up with his pastor

Basically scandalousmedia dropped some tea (I linked the blog post) that many of us suspected for years but it was never confirmed.

To summarize since the post has a lot of ads: - Justin proposed to Selena in 2018. They were in an open relationship at that time until the proposal. - She basically said no to him saying she couldn’t trust that he would be faithful and wanted to do couples counselling first (which was reasonable) - But then you realize she’s just playing her mind games and manipulation with him again to keep him looped around her finger. - She was essentially pushing him away by saying no/giving a non answer because it was her way of telling him she didn’t see a future together with him. - Justin was okay with the idea of doing couples counselling with Selena until he finds out she’s hooking up with HIS pastor. - On top of that she was also feeding people stories that they were getting married which is why the paparazzi asked him if he’s going to propose to Selena. She was the one who also kept calling the paparazzi on them. And she was making business deals with his cult church.

So obviously knowing all of that Justin realized Selena was just using him for her personal gain and wasn’t serious about a future with him. That’s why he went to Hailey who was ultimately more suited for him since she brought stability and is nurturing.

This post isn’t about Justin’s character btw. We all know he has his own faults.

But it’s about the fact that Selena fumbled the bag. She didn’t take him seriously so he moved on, even though he was ready to commit to her. Therefore she has no right to shade him for years and have meltdowns over him on social media. Nor should she be commenting on old Jelena social media posts or mocking his wife.

Look, I’m not saying the proposal would have lasted. Selena was a mess in 2019 as that blog stated since she was at the height of her addiction and stability. I think Benny is a better partner for her because he is more stable, although his looks and hygiene are lacking (same with his morals).

What are your thoughts?