Will's affected accent(s)

Has anyone else noticed that Will sometimes takes on the accent of the guest? It was SO apparent during the Hugh Grant episode, but I've noticed it in the past. Obviously he is Canadian so he was really leaning into the Canadian accent during Wayne Gretzky (totally understandable), but he threw a bit of Philly in during Bradley Cooper, and often gets more posh for British guests (I noticed it during Paul McC as well). I forget which guest it was, but he got a pretty New York-y for one of them.

I don't think it really bothers me on its own, but it absolutely bothers me that Jason doesn't call him out on it!! It is SO apparent to me when Will does it, and I just can't believe for a second that JB doesn't also notice. It's the perfect set-up for Jason to shred Will (and he deserves a little bit of shredding for it).

JB give us the goods!! Call Willy out!