Observation as a Woman

Just to preface, I’m saying this from a woman’s perspective. I’m not trying to invalidate how anyone feels, but I’d like to share something. ——

A close friend of mine is going through a divorce right now. She thought she was in a happy and healthy relationship. They tried for kids until she finally got pregnant.

Her world came crashing down when she found out her husband of 8 years was cheating on her with various women.

When I tell you this girl was the BEST wife, I’m not exaggerating. She treats me, a mere friend, so well and I’m JUST a friend. She worked while he took time off to “find himself.” She held it down. She was an amazing wife. She was in absolute love with him.

It eventually came up in conversation that he was about 3 inches or so. She mentioned that in retrospect, he made some comments indicating that he was insecure about his size.

This dude had everything and he let his insecurities ruin the best thing he ever had because he wanted to feel like “a man.”

Don’t be that guy. Don’t let your insecurities ruin something good.


Also, I dated this guy a few years back who was about the same size as her ex husband. I’ve had a few sexual partners and he was the ONLY one of them that made me have an orgasm. Literally the ONLY one.

Looking back, I noticed he was also insecure about his size but it never stopped us. I still miss that man lol


Again, I’m not trying to invalidate what anyone feels. I can see that this has traumatized a lot of you, and I’m sorry to see that.

I happened to stumble across this sub and I’ve been reading some of the posts and I see a lot of people discrediting the power of oral and savvy hands.

Good luck out there Kings.

A few of you reached out to explain more about your experiences privately and to say you liked this post. Thank you SO much. There were certain perspectives I never considered, but it makes sense now that you’ve told me. Thank you for educating me when you didn’t have to. It’s definitely something I will keep in mind in the future.

I also got some people telling me that I’m lying or trolling.

I’ve noticed some people saying women are not being empathetic, but I’m trying to learn and understand, but I’m… wrong? Or I did it wrong? Idk

You have a woman here who is trying to understand your perspective more after reading about many of your experiences and many of you tried to push me away or discredit what I said.

I’m happy for whoever this has helped. Idk what it’s like to live in your shoes, but I wanted to share just in case it helped anyone.

It’s cliche, but I promise that you’re more than your dick size and I’m sorry that society has said anything to the contrary. ❤️


Update: Ok. A lot of you have pointed out that my friend’s ex-husband cheated because he’s just a cheater. I’m inclined to agree with that sentiment.

Based on what she knows about her husband, she came to the conclusion that this was a large part of why he cheated. I shouldn’t have said this was 100% the reason why, since I’m not in his head. I was wrong to do that, and I apologize.

Thanks for pointing this out to me. I’ll absolutely be more careful in the future about my train of logic and how I word things in the future.

I’ve also been able to share a lot of what I’ve learned with some friends irl (women). They didn’t know how deep this ran.

Thank you for enlightening me!

P.S. idk how to format, so please excuse the mess