My speech therapist just isn’t…doing anything

I don’t wanna dox myself so I won’t share too much. But anyways I’m in high school and I have a speech a therapist after not having one since middle school. My speech therapist now isn’t doing anything. Like literally not.doing.anything.

I’m not an slp so I’m not sure what’s going on I’m not even sure how she got hired but all she does is go on her phone, go on her computer or talk about my future which none of that is apart of speech therapy. We haven’t done ANYTHING speech related. I only asked my parent to sign me up for speech again so that I can improve my fluency because I have very bad anxiety which causes me to have very bad blocks and it’s hard to get words out especially when I’m around someone I don’t know. She hasn’t made any effort to make me comfortable, or do anything related to helping me be more fluent.

We haven’t done any speech activities or anything. Every time I meet with her it’s completely quiet and I feel uncomfortable. It’s reached to a point where I purposely miss our sessions because it feels like a waste of time and it’s so time consuming.

Am I wrong here ? Is this normal ? I’ve never had a speech therapist like this before. I’m not sure if she was trained to only work with smaller kids and that’s why she doesn’t know how to work with teens and etc. but I need opinions. I need to know if I’m overreacting.

I’ve decided to help myself and do speech methods at home and try getting some anxiety meds because she isn’t doing anything.