Update about my crazy productivity situation
I posted a couple weeks ago about my team manager threatening me with probation and withholding PTO because I was 2.5 hours under on my productivity for one quarter, which happened to be the quarter than I took time off to get married. It had been about two months and I hadn’t heard any follow-up regarding what the actual outcome of this would be, just lots of reminders about my shortcomings and the possibility that my job could be at risk.
Well, after getting helpful insight from all of you, I decided to ask the director of my department to have a phone call. Y’all, she didn’t even know what I was calling about, that’s how far off her radar this situation was. They are not even giving me a written or verbal warning and, in her words, “I didn’t even miss it by that much”. My team manager said I missed it by “a significant amount”.
I asked her if this would have any impact on my performance review coming up and she said it would not, although I am fairly certain that unless they tell my manager that, it will come up. I made sure to take notes on the whole call just in case.
I did not get any insight as to why this information didn’t make it to me. She had to look for a long time in her email to find the info about what they decided to do, so I am guessing this has been settled from her perspective for weeks at this point. My only guess is that they discussed it, made a note of it, but assumed that my manager would know it was not a big deal to them and didn’t follow up with her about it. I still don’t think that’s great but I’m glad to at least know the outcome. Also, I have considered looking for a new position and have been looking periodically, but with everything going on I feel like I need to stick to my stable job right now and probably put more work into my private practice.
Thanks everyone for all your support!