Help with 4 month old
I desperately need help with my four month old’s sleep. Right now he wakes up around 8 every morning. He takes 4 naps a day and they’re only 30 minutes each with wake windows of 1.5 hours. His last wake window is usually 2 hours and w spur him to sleep around 6pm (I was told it’s better for him to go down for the night early rather than squeeze another nap In there, please let me know if i shouldn’t be doing that). It is INSANELY difficult to get him to sleep at night. I don’t know if he is undertired/overtired but I have also done another nap instead of the 6pm bedtime and still really difficult. He screams hysterically when we try putting him down for the night. We do the same thing every day, pjs on, lotion, book, and bottle. (He also only takes a bottle from me and i breastfeed him so not sure why he only takes it from me). He screams usually for an hour and then will finally fall asleep. We usually hold him while he screams at us but the past few nights we have put him down while he’s screaming because it genuinely doesn’t seem like he wants to be near us. He screams regardless and it’s very frustrating to be constantly screamed at. We have left him in the crib for 10 minutes and he hysterically screamed the entire time. Once he is asleep he will usually do a 4-6 hour stretch and then two 2-3 hour stretches. When he wakes around 3 he will stay awake for an entire wake window. If I leave him in the crib he will be fine for an hour and after that he will scream until I go in there. What am I doing wrong?