What defect card have you most changed your opinion on?
For me, my opinion of Defragment has downgraded significantly. I used to think Defragment was an instant pick based on what I read on this subreddit. But over time I noticed it's not a strong card on its own, and needs a lot of support compared to a card like inflame, which ironclad can just splash into his deck. And when I stopped picking it as often, my winrate just shot up.
I refuse to click on defrag- unless I'm near a campfire with an upgrade available or I have glacier already.
My opinion of amplify has dramatically improved. I used to think this was a budget echo form but was disappointed every time I desperation picked it. But I've realised it's very different from echo form, and useful for accelerating certain strategies i.e decks that need to set up extremely fast because they cannot sustain block against the heart past the first few turns. The card is still a bit inconsistent and sometimes you either amplify unnecessary powers or it's hard target the right power without pyramid/equillbrium. The odd occasion you get two amplifies, the card becomes very consistent.