I gained 20 FPS by changing my hair style

To anybody who has good PC specs but is struggling with a mod package, try it. I'm doing a playthrough with the latest update to eldergleam - and for the life of me couldn't figure out why I was only getting 25 FPS and my GPU was only 50-60% utilized - I changed my hairstyle off one of the fancy ones and now my GPU is being fully utilized and my FPS stays between 45-60 regardless of where I'm at in the world, heavily wooded areas, etc.

My fancy hair-do was the culprit. Not even going to begin to try and understand why, it really wasn't a crazy abnormal hair style, but clearly something with that specific one was choking my system. 600+ hair styles and I picked the one that choked my system

  • I’ll post the hairstyle when back at my PC

** Back at my PC here is some additional info:

This is the problem hair style (#570 in eldergleam)


I honestly have no idea WHICH hair mod it is, but here are all the package comes with:


*** OH when changing the hair style it breifly pops on screen the name of it. Here is the culprit, bottom right corner


All of the styles near this on on the slider are tanking my GPU. After some googling it's this pack - Valkyr
