Are there any "Good-leaning" follower mods?
I'm relatively new to modding Skyrim and I've been looking around for follower mods. Typically, I roleplay as a morally good character with varying degrees of lawful and chaotic so I'm trying to find followers that mesh well. So far, most follower mods I have found are either NOT morally good or are just not what I'm looking for.
Asking for recommendations, and I will also be showing a short list of the follower mods I have installed and played around with so far;
IFD Lydia by Roadhouse669: To start off on a mod I genuinely like a lot, IFD Lydia is a very nice addition and makes our first Housecarl the best one. The dialogue is tasteful, not intrusive and her conversations with the Dovahkiin are nice. I would genuinely crack open a nice ale or mead with her and just shoot the shit.
Taliesin: Another mod I like, Tally is a fun Altmer follower with the right mix of haughty fun and pain in my ass. That said, he is an unrepetant Thalmor agent that killed innocent people practicing their religious beliefs. My Dovahkiin isn't politically inclined nor are they religious, but they legitimately wanted to cut Tally down the moment he ran his mouth. Still, would crack a flight of beers with Tally.
Sofia: She's a wise cracking, barely competent woman with basically no moral compass and armed with bad sex jokes. The mod itself is great, but I could not stomach the bootleg Gwenpool vibes she gives me everytime she opens her mouth. Very competently made, just not for me.
SDA Serana: I like her! I like the romance aspect though I also enjoy the friendship aspect too. The work put into her is amazing and honestly I debated heavily over whether or not I wanted to go for Vanilla Serana or SDA Serana for my playthrough. Good mod, would get red wine drunk with Serana any day of the week.