Top 50 female Companion+replacers and more

Why am I posting this? When I was looking for follower mods, I couldn't find such a list, so I had to browse through Nexus... It took a lot of time to find these mods, but it was worth it..

sorry for my English..

( custom voiced )

1.Serana Dialogue Add-On - TFS Serana and Valerica Replacer

2.Ashe - Crystal Heart - Lulu's Ashe Replacer

  1. Lyssia - Esl Kristen Lyssia replacer

4.Katana - Journey in the Shadows - ColdSun's Katana and Megara

5.Remiel - Esl Amy

  1. Sofia -Caralia as Sofia

7.Song of the Green (Auri Follower) - ColdSun's Visions - Auri

8.Aurlyn Dawnstone - Aurlyn Dawnstone - Replacer

9.The Wheel of Time- Esl Julie

10.Aniya - Aniya Replacer

11.Evelanna Custom Voiced Thief Follower

12.Livia Salvian Revamped - Livia Salvian Redemption - A Visual Replacer

13.Light and Shade - ColdSun's Visions - Eris

  1. (NEW) Thogra gra-Mugur - High Poly Visual Replacer

15.Yazakh - Follower Replacer

( vanilla followers )

  1. Aela the Huntress - Nyrified Whiterun

  2. Jenassa - Nyrified Whiterun

  3. Camilla Valerius - Nyrified Riverwood

  4. Brelyna Maryon - Narin Nyr

20. Borgakh the Steel Heart - Tharka Nyr

  1. Ysolda - Nyrified Whiterun Hold

22.Uthgerd the Unbroken - Nyrified Whiterun

  1. Mjoll the Lioness - NPC Replacer by Anuketh

    I downloaded these followers not long ago, so I don't know where to rank them:

  2. Nether's Jen and Kat -Replacers by Taranis

25.Nether's Vex - Figga Nyr

26.Nether's Karliah - NPC Replacer by Anuketh

  1. Marvelous Mirabelle - Nuria Nyr -

  2. Feris -Feris - Replacer -

  3. M.E.I. - Maven Elenwen Ingun - ( Maven ) Oman Nyr - ( Elenwen )- Queen Ayrenn - ( Ingun )- Ingun

  4. Morgaine - ColdSun's Visions - Morgaine

I tried these mods but ended up deleting them:

31.Vilja ( boring/annoying after a while )

  1. Daegon Legacy ( sick mod in a bad way.. )

33.. Mirai

  1. Heart of Ice - Astrid ( monogamous/nun follower..)

  2. Little Witch Taeka Elixi ( cannibal lol )

  3. Koemia

37.Nessa ( her quests are broken )


39.Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia

40.Lilissa the Druid


42.Arissa - The Wandering Rogue

  1. Caesia Follower

44.Anely Scars


46.The Erotic Adventures of Misty Skye


  1. Minerva


50.Neiva Deep Water

If you want more than ten followers, I highly recommend this mod:

Multiple Followers Framework

Some recommended mods:

You Wear What I Tell You To Wear

Adds a shout to the game that allows you to remove any follower's armor, even the armor that doesn't show up in a follower's inventory.

BnP - Female Skin

BnP - Teeth Overhaul


If you want beautiful armor for your followers:

Daymarr's Profile

AokiliMods's Profile

Ellxe's Profile


These mods give vanilla followers more dialogue/quests:

More to Say

Misc Dialogue Edits

( Adult )

Mjoll's real man

Uthgerd the unleashed

Ysolda's revenge

Lydia the Loyal

Jordis the Naive or Naughty

Borgakh the Purchased Wife

Frea the Trusting

Amorous Adventures + Amorous Adventures Revoiced

OStim Lovers

Ostim Solutions

+1: Sofia - Sexlab


Live Here Plus

This mod allows you to house NPCs and followers of your choice in homes you own

Talos Marriage

This mod allows you to marry almost any NPC in the game without going through the vanilla quest and wedding ceremony.

Calm Your Follower

Useful if they aggro against your horse, your dog, yourself, or anyone else they shouldn't be attacking


This mod gives you 100+ SMP wigs:

( Most replacers do not have SMP hair )

HDT-SMP Racemenu Hair or Wigs


I downloaded these body presets:

Aery - BodySlide Preset

Kanu Female V4

Night Dancer



Korean Doll-Fantasy

then in BodySlide I built 50-60 unique/different size bodies from these presets. Then, with OBody I set up a unique body for each of my followers. OBody is also a good mod because it distributes all body presets to female NPCs. Not like vanilla Skyrim, where all NPCs had the same body.

I use these console commands:


player.setrelationshiprank NPC ID 4 ( NPC becomes friendly/followers )

setrelationshiprank NPC ID -4 ( enemy )


setav agression

setav confidence

Agression is between 0 and 3 ( unagressive, aggressive, very aggresive, frenzied)

Confidence is between 0 and 4 ( cowardly, cautious, average, brave, foolhardy. )