I Paused the Update, Game Crashes.

Whenever the AE patch came out I instantly made Skyrim only update on launch, with me launching through SKSE I thought the problem was solved.

I played a bit today, and when my game crashed (outdated mod I forgot to update) the download for the update started. I quickly paused it and canceled it (it downloaded around 40 mb), but when I tried running the game again I got a crash before the main menu showed up.

Looking through the game folder and my Vortex it seems I'm missing the DLCs .esm, the update.esm, and possibly a few more files.

I know most likely the best course of action right now would be to just let the update complete then use the downgrade patcher, but I wanted to check in here first before committing to that.

I'll also mention that I foolishly did not make a backup of the folders/files. Good lesson though.

Any way I can fix this beside finishing the update then rolling it back?