Parallel Between Skiing and Hockey Gear

(I just want to preface this by saying that this is not meant to be a discussion or questions between any overlap in gear between the two sports)

I'm brand new to skiing but have been playing hockey for over 2 decades. I recently rented some demo boots, skis, and bindings. They felt as good as you'd expect for someone with limited ski experience. However, this got me thinking and it prompted some questions which I was unable to find an answer for.

If I had to learn to play hockey all over again, I'd get fitted for some skates, buy gear that is just below the highest end from the previous season, and get a mid-range stick or two. Learning to play with various rental skates, sticks, or gear sounds like a miserable time.

So how does this compare to skiing? If you were to start all over again with absolutely no experience, what gear would you buy (not specific brands or models) and which would you rent? How would you min-max your spending?