Partial MCL Tear Knee Brace

Hey everyone,

The Friday before Christmas I crashed and had what was thought to be a full MCL tear. After meeting with my doctor and going over the MRI yesterday I was told I have a bone bruise, sprained knee and a partial MCL tear.

He said no surgery or PT was needed and that honestly I could go back to skiing in 3-4 weeks.

So now I am on the hunt for a good knee brace that won’t break the bank. He recommended a hinged knee brace and I picked one up at Target for 43$ but I feel like I don’t notice it doing anything at all. Maybe it’s in my head and providing more support than it seems but it feels pretty useless. So I am coming to Reddit trying to get your guys advice so I can return to the slopes in the right way.

Does anyone have recommendations for a good brace that feels stable and secure that I can wear while skiing? I looked at the GenuTrain knee brace for 99$ but I have no clue if that’s the right fit for what I need. My initial thought it compression would feel tighter and more supportive but looking at that brace I don’t know if it has the right hinges that I need.

I’d love some advice so I can make the right choice. I will probably be returning the brace I picked up from Target.