Started my Skaven Army with clan Clawspire. Love this sculpts and first time with Villainy inks! Lore below

Deep beneath the surface of the Mortal Realms, hidden within a vast and sinister network of tunnels and caverns, lies the terrifying city of Verminpeak.

City of Verminpeak

Verminpeak is a towering, nightmarish metropolis that rises like a malignant, living mountain from the depths. The city erupted violently from the earth near Oakhaven during the cataclysmic event known as the Vermindoom, causing widespread devastation and horror. Golden brass pipes and infernal machinery jut out from its sides, belching noxious fumes and emitting a constant, ominous clatter.

The city’s structure mirrors the brutal hierarchy of Clan Clawspire. The lowest levels of Verminpeak are a squalid, oppressive warren where the battered-down clanrats and slaves dwell. These unfortunate Skaven toil in ceaseless labor, enduring harsh conditions and constant fear. The air here is thick with the stench of decay and the oppressive heat of the machinery above.

As one ascends Verminpeak, the city becomes progressively more opulent and terrifying. The mid-levels house the more skilled laborers and overseers, who enjoy marginally better conditions but are still subject to the whims of their superiors. The machinery becomes more sophisticated, with vast, humming contraptions and bubbling vats of noxious chemicals.

Clan Clawspire is consumed by an all-encompassing desire to create the ultimate Skaven. They seek to surpass their natural limitations through grotesque genetic experiments and fiendish technological enhancements. This relentless pursuit of a nightmarish form of perfection defines their grim society.