What is my best bet?

I’m usually very decisive but this time I’m in a dilemma. In need of some opinions/inputs as you guys have more wisdom/experience in life 🥲

I (27m) am slowly starting from scratch again as I messed up about 2-3 years ago investing in crypto & nfts (yes I know I got blinded by greed & I’ve come to terms with my mistakes hais). And it’s really from scratch as both my parents are gone & im the kind who doesn’t like to borrow money from friends

I’ve been jumping from industry to industry (sales related). I’m currently working at a startup company in a sales role earning 2200 (before cpf) commission is only based on tier, counted quarterly. As much as I want to continue and build my career here, the future is rather looking bleak as I’m not certain whether this company can survive or I can make a proper living here

My boss has been saying that the funds are running dry & have to step up in sales however he just invested a large amount of money into a marketing agency, to which will induce more stress on me. I’m working 5.5 days however during my off days I’m still working.

Currently dilemma is that my gf (25f) and I have applied for a BTO and she told me that it would be better to find a job with relatively stable pay and not slave so much. She highlighted that it’s even eating into the r/s as I’m on my phone most of the time replying queries or anything related to my job.

I currently only have a diploma, should I quit my current job and find a stable paying job or stay in hopes that the company will somehow bloom?Would appreciate your inputs on this 🙏🏻