broken family issue in SG?

Ok so to start of I come from a broken family in which case my parents aren't together and well my mother provides for me food shelter etc and my father gives me an allowance every week but every since I started working part time (I'm 18), he asked if it was ok to stop giving me, and I just responded "okay" but is it like this means he wants to stop supporting me? I know matters involving money is always going to be very complicated and debatable but what irks me is that it just doesn't fit well with me when I have to go tell my father that I need money do you know what I mean?? It isn't a matter of dignity or pride but I often do not see my father because he works late and is a grab driver so his work is stressful and he doesn't earn much right now so when we see each other, it's just him giving me my allowance and just us quietly sitting at the table staring at our phones. I have tried to get him to play some sports or go for a run with me, you know like what a normal father son would do I'd guess but he never wants to.

He has 3 other children and I am the 4th in which he has supported the other three and he has been doing the same with me but I just do not like where our relationship is at because it always make it difficult for me as our relationship seems just based off him giving me my allowance, we have no real father son memories I can really feel for except for when my parents were together and he'd pat me to sleep but that just isn't the same when it's been 10 years since than and he always tells me he loves me in which case is through him giving me allowance which I constantly acknowledge and understand but it feels like a forced thing as in a normal circumstanced family, it is both parent doing so and my father is not staying with us, it just isn't the same.

Recently I had told my mother that my father would stop giving me allowance as my first paragraph stated in which cause she got angry and scolded and told him to continue doing so which this is my fault but still I didn't expect such a strong reaction and it just doesn't fit right how my parents are so estranged towards each other.

What I'm hoping to get of this post is there any other who can share their experience and whether they've managed to you know, get by with it or solved it, I just want my family relation to get better, it seriously drives me crazy how I have to word things carefully with THINGS BETWEEN MY OWN PARENTS.

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