External USB 7.1 Sound card configurable for Simhub output?

I'm in the midst of putting together a bass shaker setup. I have the amp already; this question is about the computer-amp connection.

I have heard that Simhub can use any analog outputs on my PC as channels for transducers. However my rig is 6+ feet away from my computer. So to avoid having an even bigger spaghetti mess of cables, my plan is to take the long USB cable that connects to my wheel, put a USB hub on the wheel end, and connect both my wheel and a USB sound card to that. The card would output analog audio signal to the amp and then the shakers.

My question is, can Simhub/my PC use an external card like this to do that, ignoring all the labelling? ("surround," "front," "center/bass," etc) https://www.amazon.com/StarTech-com-7-1-USB-Sound-Card/dp/B002LM0U2S/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=4%2Bchannel%2Bexternal%2Bsound%2Bcard&qid=1589214528&sr=8-2&th=1

Again, it's listed as 7.1 but my thinking is that I can reconfigure it on the Simhub/PC end and use 4 of those outlets for shakers 1-4, 'off label' so to speak. Is this possible or have I missed something critical?

I feel like this device is overkill cause I think I just need usb-4 channel mono, but there's nothing on the market like that, so this is where I ended up.