FFB Questions
Hello team!
I own zero simracing equipment yet, but I am working on my wish list (to get everything in the next few months hopefully), and I have some questions on FFB in relation to settings inside the wheel manufacturer SW (let's take SimPro Manager as an example) or within the game itself (iRacing for example). And because I can't test my theory on a game, that's the reason why 1) my question might sound stupid and 2) I don't have access to real date to get my answer and needed to create some wonderful graph to ask you guys if my understanding is correct or not
The tq numbers on the graph below are just for the example.
My understanding is that you can limit the amount of TQ the wheel base is providing in two locations (Wheel base SW itself and within games), AND it sounds like, doing it within games is better for avoiding clipping (meaning keeping it max/100%/xNm in SimPro and lowering it to your liking in iRacing directly.
I created a quick example of a driving situation --> driving in straight line, then cornering and jumping on and off a curb while cornering
1st example below, both (wheelbase and within iRacing are set to max, or 20Nm in this example)
The dash line represent for example going up and down from a curb, and because those in my example would required more than 20Nm (which our wheel doesn't allow), we are missing the data, hence the dash line.
So first question, is that correct, that we would be clipping in this condition?
2nd example, we are still 100% in Simpro, but now at 50% in iRacing for max possible torque
Is my graph above correct for this situation? We would not be clipping anymore, but EVERYTHING would be much lower than before in term of tq ffb?
3rd example below --> Simpro at 50% and iRacing at 100%
In that case, we are clipping very quickly for any data above 10Nm, since we are telling iRacing, we allow that ffb to be present at a certain tq, but we are also telling the Wheel base, that we don't really care about anything passed 10Nm.
Again, is my understanding correct for situation 2 and 3 above?
Apology for the long message, but thank you for those that can confirm or correct my understanding.