Peeling back the layers of reality
This trip took place at about 10pm-2am, and was with 4 other friends. 4 of us were tripping and the 5th was sober. we split 12.5gs, but our scale broke so nothing was distributed evenly, i dont even know how much i took, but if i had to guess 2-4gs. I had tripped on this batch about a week prior and had a very intense but short trip, especially since it was a microdose. at first i didnt notice much, lights look a little weird(normal for shrooms) and i was very like heavy feeling, then over time the moving breathing visuals from the shrooms kicked but for some reason even when i closed my eyes they were still there. atp it was like 11 or so, and me and 3 homies were out at this park and for some reason things just looked really weird, there were random windows in the sky and in the trees, and the basketball court we were at had these weird little shapes taking over it. the moon had a weird circle around it, and it was spinning. once we started driving back everything was weird and it felt like my perspective was no longer my body and more the car(i dont really know how to explain but it was cool). once i was home everything started to wear off so i decided to throw some weed in the mix and started smoking joints(smoked 3-4 in total throughout the rest of the night), then for about a half hour or so me and one of my friends were just staring into this fire pit and it kept morphing it was so crazy, we watched this like full kingdom get built out of the flames and start thriving and growing and as the fire died down the kingdom was destroyed and rampaged, and it was slowly overtaken with these intricate shapes, until the fire was nothing but glowing moving shapes(like dmt breakthrough style shapes). after the fire 3 of my bros were kinda yapping so me and the homie who was staring at the fire went on a walk and this is where shit got really insane. from here my perspective and depth perception was constantly warping, i live in a forest with maybe 5-6 other houses on my street but they were all really weird, the shape of them kept changing and the street kept getting wider and longer as we walked, at some point it wasnt even like i was walking it was like the road was moving me it was so weird. on this walk there was a house that had this bright pink led in the window and it started morphing and changing until the entire window became human skulls and skeletons, which was kinda scary bc so far all the visuals were dmt style shapes. we kept walking the road and it kept shifting and moving, it looked extremely liminal, like i had just fallen into the backrooms or smthn, and at the very end of the road there was this house covered in blue lights(idk why) and me and my bro both agreed there was kinda like a evil presence, it was creepy asf and felt like it was trying to pull me in. more happened during the walk but its too hard to explain, everything was just weird and mysterious, proportions and colors didnt look how they should, and there was this house that had a tv on, and the light and sound from the tv was cast onto the floor around me. eventually we walked back and my other friends were still yapping so we go for a walk in the other direction, but we ended up stopping at a streetlight bc the dark part of the road was pulling itself apart and shifting and i didnt wanna go down it. we chilled at that part for a while smoking more and eventually my friend pulled up on his motorcycle, im not really a motorcycle fan but it just looked so fucking awesome it was like long and weird asf but it was just cool, and after talking for a few minutes he rode off down the scary path and it looked like the shadows were eating him. by this point im on like a full breakthrough, everything is covered in these dmt style shapes, the trees, the ground, the lights, my hands, it is all a jumbled mess of moving, speaking, intricate colorful designs of eyes pyramids mouths and other random geometry. we started to head inside but first went through my garage and for a minute i stood still and everything became flat, my depth perception disappeared and my world was now 2d(the entire trip before this i felt like i was kinda in 4d, which i cant explain bc it doesnt exist normally but it was a completely different dimension to be moving on) the 2d stuff slowly started to swirl until my vision was only the blank pale color of my garage with a morphing infinite geometric pattern overlapping it. something made me snap back to normal but i stayed in the garage for about 10 minutes more just staring at things. some things spoke, most didnt but everything was changing now, there wasnt a permanent shape for anything in my current reality. it was like our normal world has this cover, this layer to keep us from seeing the moving parts and i had ripped that layer off and was seeing the mechanisms of the universe written out in a unspeakable language, a infinite morphing language of eyes and hands reaching and opening. i threw some music on and i dont remember the song but it was some deftones song and it felt like i had was being washed up by waves in the ocean, i felt like i was floating and spinning and like i was being kinda pulled apart by the song but it didnt hurt, it actually made the song way better. after a while the visuals started to chill but i still had a joint to smoke so i sat outside my backdoor and smoked it, and i started looking at this vent on the side of my house that had paint peeling over. but there was no longer peeling paint, instead there was complex terrain, mountains fields valleys i could see all of it, and it was moving. i watched it go through what must have been centuries of change, in a few seconds. and then just as fast as it popped up it was gone, and back to the complex mechanism of eyes pyramids and shapes that we normally cant see but now that ive seen it i feel like its always there just out of sight, its a view most humans dont get but i feel very special and almost alien to have seen it because i dont think its a experience ill ever have anyone to relate to, feeling like youve exposed the true layers of reality is pretty scary but cool. at this point i was back inside and ready for sleep, up to this point i had nothing scary but now that i wasnt talking or listening to smthn and i was just thinking i got a little worried id never be back to normal, what i was seeing was so intense and different it was truly a different dimension it was nothing like earth or the human realm i was alone in a world of entities and dark spirits that roamed, and i could feel their presences in the shadows. i was making my bed and got my second perspective shift, it was like i melted and morped into my 2d pillow until i was no longer looking at the pillow from my body i was looking at my body from the pillow, which only lasted a few seconds but was cool. the main issue tho was i couldnt fucking sleep, it was like a lightshow everytime i closed my eyes. my eyes when closed saw brighter and faster moving visuals then when they were open, it made it impossible to sleep and i was getting pretty pissed, all the while there was a little voice in my head telling me “ur stuck like this, all these shapes, this foggy memory, your stuck. you wont go back to the human realm, your here now and youll stay here. the shapes the colors the entities, these are your people now not humans” which was scaring the shit outta me, but i distracted myself with the crazy ass light shows in my head. and eventually i fell asleep and thats pretty much it. Pics 1-2 were some of the surroundings just to give you a idea of the area, pic 3 is the weird blue house, just a little bit earlier in the day before my trip, and pic 4 is the weird sky windows which are pretty blurry but you can kinda see them.