First time, unprepared. I made a mistake.
All alleged for personal reasons! So yesterday I got myself some shroomies. Unsure of what strain, tbfh. 1,5gs. I planned on taking an entire day off, calling an experienced friend online and tripping. I ended up Not Doing That. I was stoned, fasting, and kind of drunk. I steeped them in hot water with a little lemon and then put a drink mix in to mask the flavor, because I have a hard time stomaching new food/stuff. Waited twenty minutes, drank half of it. Felt really euphoric and tbh I should have stopped there. I didn't, and downed the rest. I'm talking cup clean, not a single molecule of anything left. The nice, euphoric feeling lasts for like twenty minutes. I'm with a homie and on call with someone I trust. I start staring at my friend, her face is warping. I feel sick and close my eyes and it doesn't stop. I realize I'm fucked. I can see everything. I tell that to my friend and go lay down on my bed. Big fucking mistake. I close my eyes because I feel nauseous as hell and I'm a big baby about it even sober. It's quiet, but I can hear every object around me. I don't know where I am, it's like I'm being violently ripped away from the world every time I stop focusing on it. There are fractals, square shapes that get smaller and smaller and they're spinning. I open my eyes, everything has an outline and it's like I'm in a shittily drawn vector cartoon. This repeats for a few minutes until I realize I can't fight the nausea and I go to throw up. Oh god, I swear a demon came out of me. I opened my eyes mid-gag and saw eyes and swirling shapes in the fucking toilet. I told my friend to look up how to stop a trip because I couldn't handle it anymore. On my knees, shaking, thinking that the psychedelic world is either rejecting me or it's so much that my body can't acclimate to existing in it. My friend got me a vitamin c drink, some weed, some valerian root and melatonin. I finished throwing up and went back to the bed. I slowly came back to life within, like, an hour, but closing my eyes and focusing on one thing for too long still made me feel insane. I remember going to the bathroom and staring and the floor. I have tiles, and there were patterns in it and the liner for my cat's litterbox was breathing and moving separately from the floor. After that, I slowly came down to an okay state, cleaned my place, and went to bed. I still feel so weird. I can't look at things the same way. I remember laying in bed with my friend, watching tiktoks, and feeling like everything was just so... SO stupid. I felt like I was about to fundamentally change myself and everything about myself but then I kept losing the point. I don't know. Thoughts?