How to deal with height insecurity?

5'3" guy here, I'm 17 years old. I haven't grown in quite a bit and it's been (really) getting to me lately. Despite me focusing on other things (such as my physique) I don't feel very confident, and I have pretty low self-esteem. Whenever I even mention my height around others it just becomes the main joke, and while no harm is meant, it still gets annoying.

A couple months ago, I got measured at the hospital while I was recovering from a procedure, I wasn't exactly standing upright, nor could I at the time, so they just estimated my height to be 5'4.7", which at the time meant the world for me since I thought I was hitting a growth spurt, like if there was some hope for me to grow taller. Though around 2 days ago, I got measured again and results came down to 5'3, so goodbye to that 1 and a half inch I guess.

Personally, I've already accepted that I won't be tall, hell, I don't even care that I won't get to 6 feet, but considering how tall my dad is, how active I am, and how my twin brother basically towers over me, I just wonder how I ended up being the odd one out. This just really makes me insecure, I sometimes just wonder, will I ever be able to live up to my genetic potential? Are my growth plates closed? Will I get rejected by this girl I like for not absolutely towering above her? (not to say that's all women by the way)

This really messes with my head, and I just wanted to know how some of you guys overcame this, since I could really use the advice right now.🙏