How much was your last rent increase?
I need to move soon to get out of a crappy housing situation. I'm currently paying $400 pw ($20,800 pa) for an absolute piece of crap one bedroom with toilet-paper-thin walls and a lot of mentally unstable nut-jobs around. So far, I've been unable to find a decent rental that's under $500 ($26,000 pa) that isn't another crap hole. My fear is that the scum REA will push LL to up my rent by $100 to $130 a week at the next 12-month mark.
If your rent was $430, what did it go up to? $550? What was the increase after that? $650? I am dreading the possibility of having to fork out extra $6,000 to $7,000 every year, year after year.
It's maddening to think that someone $550 a week for 10 years would have wasted a whopping $286,000.
At $100 increase every single year, starting at $400. In 10 years, one would have paid $442,000.