My poor ewe miscarried today :(

She had a VERY healthy and big baby last year, but today after being pregnant for a couple months, she just accidentally had it too early. I believe my male (which I recently sold) may have injured the fetus by butting her in the belly one day and caused miscarriage.

I'm not really asking for reasons, I know abortion can happen for any reason (including no reason at all!) I just needed to express my sadness for my ewe. But, she expelled all of the tissue and she is doing GREAT right now. Not even any blood on her butt. You would never have guessed she just lost a baby. I'm so proud of her and I'm just glad she's alright. I have another pregnant ewe that looks like she may have twins, so hopefully she'll have a little niece or nephew to spend time with while she waits for the fall and a new (and more polite) ram.