Namita as a shark and your opinions

No disrespect to her, her money her choice… but the way she acts in shark tank says a lot about her. From no expertise no investment to loan(with interest) and now to royalty until money is returned, fighting for women in founder zone but never investing even a lac in the women she fought for, how low can the bar go? She never gambles on the founder or his/her vision(the og vision of the show if you’ve watched international versions) smart but also how not the game is meant to be played. She loves her money(which she can) but then don’t put it under the disguise of “we’re here to help start ups”. Seems like a classic example of a hypocrite. Aman is irritating at times but at least he’s ready to gamble a bit, though makes perfect sense why they’re close friends(on the show at least). Opinions please.