PVP - PC - STEAM - bxr battler or third axiom?

i am an average player, not terrible nor flawless.

i dislike no time explain, did not even bother to finish the catalyst. It just feels awkward

my go to pulse rifle since season of arrivals has been COLD DENIAL, and i love how it.

but since the recent updates buffing side arms, smgs and auto rifles i am having a hard time using it as its a little slow.

so i want to switch and just cannot make up my mind, is the battler really easier to get kills (more bullet magnetism?) or is it just the impression?

also being solar maybe has an advantage as there are several sorts of arc shields like the titan shield while running and riskrunner

  • bxr battler crafted with Arrowhead Brake, ricochet, killing wind incandescent

  • third axiom Arrowhead Brake / ricochet / rangefinder / headseeker

i tested both, bxr seems easier to use, almost like "i fart in your general direction" to get a kill, and incadescent can sometimes get some hilarious kills

still, axion has a much less distracting and cleaner scope, better zoom and the advantages or rangefinder

which should i keep?