was i raped or am i crazy
i’ve been telling people it was sexual assault and i truly believe it is most of the time, but sometimes i think maybe im just ashamed of myself. let me lay it out. i was in my room with my friends over but my friends were outside my room, whilst me and the guy i was talking too were in my room. we were kissing and he started to move me on top of him but i tried to keep that from happening. and he noticed that i was resisting, so he asked what was wrong, and i said sorry and kept kissing him. then he stopped kissing me and started to take off my clothes, and i pushed him away because i didn’t want to have sex with him. he then went on and asked me if we could have sex and i said no. and he kept on asking and asking and asking, till he started getting angry. he told me i was giving him “false hope” by kissing him. then he started asking again but more aggressively. then he finally stopped asking but he turned me over and took off my pants. i told him to stop but he didn’t. then i kind of just, stopped resisting. and i let him do it. i didn’t want him too, and he knew that, but i didn’t do anything to stop him. i just sort of spaced out until he was done, and he just left me there. idk if it matters but i was 14 and he was 15 so i don’t really know if it’s valid to call it rape when we’re so young. please let me know if you think this qualifies as rape.