New Sex and the City show

Okay so Sex and the City is my all time favourite show. I just love it (I’m in my early twenties for reference). I was thinking about how a new version of the show would look like now. It would either be butchered by the writers, like they did for AJLT, or it would an interesting way to showcase new dating struggles that have been created in this new age. Dating apps, ghosting via social media, only fans, all these new types of genders and sexualities that people come up with and so many other things in the dating sphere or in the woman experience. Even the economic crisis we’re going through could be showcased through the dating struggles. I would love to watch a show about that in the format of Sex and the City, with four new girls. I think my generation is missing something authentic that is made to be seen as a woman experience about dating and friendship. But honestly, I don’t think something like this could be made ever again. Series are now only made with profit in mind, and they always successfully ruin every single remake of anything. So maybe it’s best if they don’t do it, but it’d be so cool if they could do it successfully:)