My husband is... vanilla.

I'm 25. My husband and I have been together for three years and married for one of them. For most of our relationship we were both semi-prudish. We definitely have a sex life, but it's pretty vanilla (i.e., weekend missionary for ten or so minutes). For a while, I was totally content with this. Recently, I feel like my libido skyrocketed and I started watching porn. I'm seeing all kinds of things I desperately want to try but that he's not into. I started with a few very light suggestions about different positions, which he mostly humored, but when I asked him to call me a name or tried dirty talk or suggested other things he said that was all "too porny" and "not us." I thought I'd settle down but I seem to be getting more restless and I've started thinking about affairs a lot and I've probably been on reddit too much even though I'm still super new. Am I crazy?