Small Fire Starters

What are the small things that turn the woman in your bed on?

I feel like a very lucky man in my relationship. She tells me, or shows me, the small, and sometimes odd but endearing things that turn her on. Following is a partial list.

I brush her hair, have accidentally left bite marks (she bruises easily), take her glasses off, hold her head in my hands while kissing, rolling up my sleeves,

changing the battery in her car, expressing myself with a primal passion (but never anger or rage) , telling her she has a spanking coming, wearing my robe

or shirt, delivering on that spanking promise, feeding her small bites of cheesecake, mailing her a funny/expressive card, inside jokes, standing behind her

as close as possible without touching, sending her links to dresses she would look great in (she won’t let me buy them). Keeping the pickles she likes in my

fridge, teaching her to fly (flight instructor here), telling the waiter at every restaurant that it is her birthday, drying and folding the towels (i am not properly

qualified to run the washing machine), making us hamburger helper (the pinnacle of my culinary skills), silly socks and kitchen towels, watching me eat

(she is an amazing cook). Rubbing her feet, listening to me negotiate while I’m on the phone, making me laugh.

Some of these things are innately sexual but all of them are things that turn her on.