Am I a sex addict? My wife thinks so…
My wife and I are in our early 40s and have been married for several years. Over the last few years, my sex drive has been gradually increasing, but over the last several months, my libido is at an all time high. I’m not interested in other women at all but can’t get enough of my wife. I would have sex with her every day if I could. She is rarely in the mood and I have to initiate at least 80% of the time. We usually have sex 1 to 3 times a week but she’d probably be fine with none. When we don’t have sex, she says that I seem angry or irritated. When she’s not in the mood, I sometimes masturbate in bed with her there. At first she was okay with this but once she realized that I feel the need to do this every night, she believes that I’m a sex addict and thinks that I need to see a therapist about it. I feel like we just have different desires currently. She is extremely attractive, which makes me want it more. I sometimes end up feeling so frustrated that she’s not into it that I only feel relief with masturbating multiple times a day. I have also tried to wake her up while she sleeps to initiate sex which has upset her further. I feel like it’s normal for a man to want sex frequently but she thinks I’m a sex addict. It’s not just the sex but I love the intimacy and connection that we have during sex. She seems to love it when it’s actually happening and almost always has an orgasm. I just don’t get why she doesn’t want it more. Are we just sexually incompatible now or am I really an addict?