Advice with Roleplay - Wife wants to try a molestation scenario
Looking for a little advice. Wife and I have played a little bit with roleplaying, but, pretty vanila in the grand scheme of things. But, she's confessed that she wants to try out a more serious scenario where I "molest" her. She doesn't want things getting violent, and says getting molested is different than a rape fantasy.
She says it's more about getting groped, getting reluctantly forced into being stripped, or me forcing myself on her. She wants me to tell her that she has no choice but to go along with it though, and things like that.
I've been looking to see if I can find any "frameworks" or "scripts" that could help give me some ideas about how I can bring this forward for her. Things I can say, or do, etc.
Anyone have any advice?
Thank you in advance.