He said I’m not his best sexual partner

We’ve been together for 2 years now. I’m 23 and he’s 28. We’ve had a lot of problems sexually, I’d say mostly on his end. I know we need to work on this stuff together but it just felt like I wasn’t heard by him. We’ve honestly probably only had good sex once.

He doesn’t go down on me (never has), has only recently made an effort to make me cum. Which I’ve asked for countless times, and more foreplay. I’ve communicated my part but he hasn’t really made much of an effort to fix the things I was concerned about or wanted change on.

Anyways, I’m not the best sex he’s had. I’m guessing I’m probably one of the worst he’s had. But the thing is I do everything I can to make the sex good. It’s just on his part that’s falling. I feel a bit offended because I’m making the effort to make it good but he isn’t. I feel like I’m the worst he’s been with because of his own doing.

I’ve only ever been with one other person sexually and they were abusive. So he doesn’t really have much to live up to per say. But this bothers me so much. I don’t know how to make it better. I don’t know what these other girls have done differently and it’s tearing me apart.

I have ADHD and tend to get obsessive thoughts. Ever since he said this I’ve gotten so fixated on it.