Husband’s low sex drive
I need to vent or atleast share with someone but don't feel comfortable sharing sex life issues with friends so here I am with my concerns, please don't judge.
Me (33F) and husband (34M) have been married for 9 years now. I feel my husband is less into sex these days. We have had very good sex life before but lately, I feel he is less interested in having sex with me.
I love him so much, he is such a great man, smart, intelligent, easy going personality. We both work from home so we take small breaks to gather and talk about work and everything. We cook to gather, during cooking sometimes he hug me and kisses me. But when I start kissing longer with slow breaths he don't feel or understand what I am expecting. Even in bed sometimes I cuddle him and try to touch him, he don't feel or understand my gesture. He sometimes says I am tired and turn around and sleep. That makes me thinking of what am I doing wrong, did anything bothers him, is it work or some kind of other tension!!
I am so afraid to ask him that what is going on and ruined our bond. We make love once in a 2 or 3 weeks, all the time I'm initiating.
Any advice on how to communicate this better without hurting his emotions? Thanks!