Guys, can we please give the Innies SOME credit?

The Innies are not blank slates or children. They know many things about the outside world and they understand basic human concepts.

There was a post earlier about Mr. Milchick needing to explain sleep to the Innies. Setting aside that the Innies awaken from sleep at the start of their orientation, Mark discusses the effects of sleep with Helly, and Irv "dozes" at work; the Innies have basic adult understandings of life and would know about the concept of sleep.

I saw comments the other day that the Innies wouldn't know what temperature is because the severed floor is climate controlled. Folks, they have a refrigerator. They drink hot coffee. They have hot and cold running water in the bathroom. They have central nervous systems and 12th grade vocabularies. Temperature is not a mystery to them.

When Innies wake up, they can identify US states. They have conversations. Helly knew what an intercom was. She didn't freak out because she thought a magic box was talking to her. No one had to explain to them that the glowing box on a flat surface was a computer on a desk. The Innies don't wet their pants because they aren't potty trained.